Thursday, August 25, 2011

And So it Begins...

So after creating a blog about my family around 2 years ago I subsequently posted one blog, saved another and didn't think about it until just about a month ago. So i tried logging back into my original blogger account to see that my blog no longer existed. Then I tried going to the original URL just to find that it is a blank page that belongs to someone else..... Bummer.. SO here I am making a new one and going through all the joys of designing the page all over again. Yaay...... Anyways. A brief Intro as to who I am and what I'm doing again. My name is Milly Little and I am a young LDS mother who has three young children, Tristan (3), Sera (2) and Alice (1 * Give or take a few months*). I am married to the youngest of Rusty and Kim Little's sons named Adam and although my husband doesn't quite qaulify as being the Littlest Little my children and I are All The Littlest Littles. This blog will be just a general "OMG! This Was So Cute!! Lookie Lookie!!" type blog that will probably focus on my children with occasional mentions of me and my husband in it. Or occasionally a blog that just goes. "........ did that just happen.....?" Regardless. I will try to keep it upbeat and happy. So For all you weird Folk.... Allo!!!